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Chennai’s Bravo out of IPL with groin injury

Dwayne Bravo (Photo by Robert Cianflone/Getty Images)

Dwayne Bravo (Photo by Robert Cianflone/Getty Images)

West Indies all-rounder Dwayne Bravo has been ruled out of the rest of the Indian Premier League (IPL) with a groin injury, his Chennai Super Kings team said Wednesday.

Bravo could not bowl the last over in Chennai’s game against Delhi Capitals on Saturday and missed the following match.

The three-time champions are struggling at the bottom of the eight-team table.

“Bravo is ruled out with a groin injury and flying back home,” CSK chief executive Kasi Viswanathan told AFP. “The team management has yet to decide whether to seek a replacement or not.”

The 37-year-old played six games and scored seven runs in two innings. He claimed six wickets with his pace bowling.

Skipper Mahendra Singh Dhoni admitted after his team’s seventh loss from 10 games on Monday that their tournament is virtually over.

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